Am fost taguita de YellowJade (multumesc mult :*), are un blog fresh si cu postari extrem de interesante, demne de luat in seama asa ca va invit sa ii faceti o vizita.
Sa pornim tagul acum.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nu cred, nici nu stiu pe cineva dupa care ar fi putut sa ma numeasca asa (Stefana), celalalt nume in schimb este de la nasa mea, Silvia, dar nu prea mi se potriveste, if you ask me.
My second name is after my godmother, Silvia.
2. When was last time you cried?
Acum cateva ore, sunt sensibila si plang cam des, mai ales cand e vorba de cruzime fata de animale sau alte nedreptati.
A few hours ago, I have to admit I'm sensitive when it comes to animal cruelty and other types of injustice.
3. Do you have kids?
Nu, dar cand voi avea sper sa fie gemeni, fata si baiat :D
Nope, but when I'll do have, I hope for twins, a boy and a girl ^_^
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
Probabil ca da, sunt generoasa si imi place sa ascult, dar in acelasi timp imi place sa primesc lucruri si sa vorbesc, asa ca m-as potrivi cu mine :))
I would, probably. I'm a generous person and I love to listen to other people's problems, but I'm also quite talkative and enjoy receiving stuff, so I would get along with myself quite well :D
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
<sarcasm> Nu, niciodata :)) </sarcasm>
<sarcasm> Never!! (: </sarcasm>
6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
Nu prea ma atrage ideea, am vazut o emisiune pe Discovery parca si era cu un tip care aproape a fost spanzurat cu sfoara, asa ca... nu :))
Probably not.
7. What's your favorite cereal?
Fulgi de porumb, fulgi cu ciocolata, fulgi cu scortisoara, fulgi cu miere, muesli, cu fructe, fara fructe, toti sa vina la mine :))
I love any type of cereal from simple corn flakes to cinnamon cereals.
8. Whats the first thing you notice about people?
De obicei sprancenele si asta pentru ca nu sunt multumita de ale mele si imi place sa ma torturez cu sprancenele perfecte ale altora :))
It's usually the brows, mostly because I'm not happy with mine and I love torturing myself with those perfect eye brows some people have ^_^
9. What is your eye color?
Caprui cu reflexe verzi cand au ei chef.
Hazel, I guess.
10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Ambele, desi de obicei urasc un final fericit, asta pentru ca majoritatea sunt un cliseu si prost facute. Daca e ceva in genul finalului The Shining, se schimba povestea :D
11. Favorite smells?
Iubesc mirosul ploii, al ierbii proaspat taiate, al cafelei si al scortisoarei. Daca stau sa ma gandesc ar fi mai multe, dar astea sunt cele care imi vin in minte acum.
Rain, fresh grass, coffee and cinnamon.
12. Summer or winter?
Cu siguranta iarna pentru ca nu suport caldura in exces. Desi nu strica sa mai scap cateodata de hainele alea grele :)
Definitely winter, I can't stand excessive heat. Although it's good to get rid of those heavy clothes sometimes :)
13. Computer or television?
Niciuna, daca as putea. Din pacate, cam in asta consta epoca noastra.. calculatoare.
If I could really choose, I'd say neither. Unfortunately that would leave me handicapped in a sort of way, so yeah, computer it is.
14. What's the farthest you've ever been from home?
Emiratele Arabe Unite, unde am si locuit un an de zile.
United Arab Emirates, where I've lived for a year.
15. Do you have special talents?
Citand pe cea mai buna prietena a mea: "te pricepi la condus si la mancat" so there you have it :))
My best friend told me I'm good at driving and eating, I guess those are talents too, right?
16. Where were you born?
Pitesti, Romania.
17. What are your hobbies?
Fotografie, editare foto, desen, machiaj, karaoke.
Photography, photo editing, drawing, make-up, karaoke.
18. Do you have any pets?
Un motan si 2 catele :D
A tomcat and two female dogs.
19. Favorite movie?
Girl, Interrupted with Winona Ryder and Angelia Jolie.
20. Do you have any siblings?
21. What do you want to be when you grow up?
O persoana mai buna.
A better person.
22. When was your first slow dance and the song?
Ca toata lumea, prin generala, dar nu-mi amintesc.
I don't remember, some long time ago, that's for sure.
23. Movies you dislike.
Majoritatea filmelor care apar in ultimul timp, cliseu dupa cliseu, pline de dialoguri idioate si fara substanta, bleah.
Most of today's films which are full of cliches, idiotic dialogues and have no real plot.
24. What 3 YouTubers would you like to meet in person?
Lisa Eldridge, Wayne Goss, Sam si Nic cu pixiwoo; sunt 4, dar e ok :P
Lisa Eldridge, Wayne Goss, Sam and Nic from pixiwoo. That's 4, but it's ok :P
25. Who do you tag?
Cred ca toata lumea a primit tagul pana acum.. urmaresc o gramada de persoane si as tuturor tagul, dar mi-e cam lene sa iau fiecare blog la rand si sa vad daca a fost taguit sau nu :)) Asa ca feel free to tag yourself :*