Hello my lovelies :)
A few weeks ago I received the famous Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish make-up remover to try out. But first, let me tell you a little bit about my skin and my cleansing problems.
I have quite sensitive skin meaning that whenever I use something that is not properly formulated my skin reacts producing more sebum which in the end causes the much dreaded pimples. Not to mention the stinging sensation I get when I use a not-so-good cleanser, the same goes with my eyes. I have never found a make-up remover to get rid of all those little bits of mascara stuck between my lashes and every morning I would get raccoon eyes because of this, no matter how hard I tried removing it the night before. Even though most of the skin on my face is normal, I have some quite oily areas on my forehead and around the nose so I would always try to pick up a cleanser to get rid of that problem for me. Now you can understand why I was a bit skeptical at the beginning when I read the little brochure that said it was for all skin types. Usually when I read this, the cleanser turns out to be much too creamy for my skin and ends up in a corner of my bathroom, never to be used again. However, it was different this time and I don't regret trying it :)
Louise from Liz Earle was incredibly friendly and informative, just the way a PR person should be. The package arrived in about a week which is excellent considering the fact that it had to travel all the way from the UK to Romania. Everything was nicely packed with a cute personalized letter and a ton of informative booklets. This was in instant like and my first impression of the company was clearly a positive one. You can see below some photos I took right when I received the products.
Buna, dragelor!
Revin cu un review la faimosul demachiant Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish. L-am primit acum cateva saptamani si de atunci il tot incerc pentru a-mi face o parere pe care astazi o impartasesc cu voi :)
Dar pana una-alta, sa va spun cate ceva despre tenul meu. Este foarte sensibil si de fiecare data cand folosesc ceva prost formulat (aici vorbesc de ingrediente) se vede: imi apare mai mult sebum si in timp nesuferitele cosuri. Sa nu mai vorbesc de senzatia de intepare pe care o am cand folosesc ceva ce nu mi se potriveste, acelasi lucru intamplandu-se si cu ochii mei. Niciodata nu am gasit un demachiant care sa indeparteze si ultimele urme de rimel ce se incapataneaza sa ramana lipite intre genele mele si din cauza asta in fiecare dimineata ma trezesc cu ochi de raton; dragut, nu? Desi pielea de pe fata mea e normala, am zone (in special pe frunte si in jurul nasului) unde sebumul isi face aparitia dupa bunul plac asa ca intotdeauna am cautat sa folosesc un demachiant ce ma ajuta in privinta asta. Asa ca intelegeti de ce am fost putin sceptica la inceput cand am citit in brosura ca acest demachiant ar fi potrivit tuturor tipurilor de ten. De obicei cand scrie acest lucru, produsul este mult prea cremos pentru tipul meu de ten si ajunge sa fie uitat intr-un colt al baii mele. Cu toata acestea, a fost diferit de aceasta data si nu regret ca l-am incercat :)
Louise (PR Liz Earle) a fost foarte prietenoasa si plina de informatii, fix cum cred eu ca ar trebui sa fie un PR. Pachetul mi-a ajuns in aprox. o saptamana ceea ce mi se pare foarte bine avand in vedere ca a trebuit sa bata tot drumul din Marea Britanie pana in Romania. Totul era amabalat foarte fain cu o scrisorica personalizata in pachet si o gramada de cartulii informative :) Asadar prima mea impresia a fost clar una buna, mai jos puteti vedea cateva fotografii cu produsele in ziua in care le-am primit.

This is what I received:
- a cute, useful pouch to carry the cleanser and the cloths (this fits also another cream if you are travelling)
- two muslin cloths
- the cleanser which comes with a pump
Ce era in pachet:
- un saculet foarte folositor, mai ales pentru calatorii in care mai intra si o crema, pe langa lucrurile din el (eu am pus Brevoxylul acolo cand am plecat de acasa)
- doua mini-prosopele de fata
- demachiantul ce vine si cu o pompa
When I first opened the pouch and took out the muslin cloths, they felt somewhat harsh and I sincerely was a little afraid to use them on my face, however I though I'd give them a chance, but more on that later.
I didn't get to use them that day because I had to go on a 2-day trip to another city so I asked my mother if she could give it a first try for me. Knowing how pretentious she is when it comes to skincare, I was quite surprised when she called to tell me how excited she was about this cleanser and how she urgently wanted one for herself. There's no point in telling you how curious her reaction made me, I couldn't wait to get home and try it for myself. Oh, and as a side-note, she said she hadn't used the cloths because they were too pretty and she didn't want to ruin them :)) (even though that's not the case, don't worry, the cloths will be as white as before after you wash them).
And now what I think of the Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish. First of all, it has a really creamy texture and, even though I mentioned I hated this type of make-up removers, I thought I'd give it a chance and since then I haven't regretted it a single bit. In spite its creaminess this is the most amazing cleanser I have ever tried, I might just go as far as saying I won't have the need of trying anything else and will repurchase this for ever and ever.
It's quite easy to use: take a pump of product on the tips of your fingers, massage it all over your face and then clean with the cloth after you rinsed it in warm water. It's that easy! Most of the times a full-pump is enough, however if I'm wearing lots of eye make-up, I would use another half-pump just for the eyes. Afterwards the cloth should be dirty, dirty, dirty with all the residue and make-up you had on your face. I usually clean it with detergent every 3 uses and between these with an antibacterial soap like Protex. Even though the muslin cloths felt quite harsh when I first touched them, once you put them in water they become incredibly soft and feel lovely on the face and give a quick exfoliation.
And now the amazing part for me: the skin feels amazing-amazing-amazing and soft afterwards, I've never felts this sensation after a cleanser and the raccoon eyes in the morning are GONE! That is why this must become my HOLY GRAIL cleanser from now on. I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone who hasn't found their perfect make-up remover yet.
Cand am deschis pentru prima data pachetul si am pus mana pe acele prosopele mi s-au parut mult prea aspre si sincer mi-era frica sa le incerc pe fata, dar pana la urma am zis sa le dau o sansa si nu imi pare rau ca am facut-o :) vom vorbi despre asta ceva mai tarziu.
In prima zi nu l-am putut testa pentru ca a trebuit sa plec din oras, asa ca am rugat-o pe mama mea sa faca ea primul "experiment". Stiind cat de pretentioasa este cand e vorba de produse de ingrijire a fetei, mare mi-a fost mirarea cand am auzit la telefon cat de incantata era de produs si cat de mult isi dorea si ea unul. Va dati seama ce curioasa m-a facut reactia ei, de abia am asteptat sa ajung acasa sa simt si eu pe pielea mea minunea :D Ah, si inca ceva, ea nimic macar nu a folosit prosopelul, a spus ca era prea dragut si ii era frica sa nu il strice :)) (desi nu e cazul pentru ca se curata foarte usor si repede!).
Demachiantul are o formula cremoasa si, desi am spus mai sus ca nu imi place tipul acesta de produse, nu am regretat ca l-am incercat. In ciuda texturii sale, a devenit demachiantul meu preferat si chiar pot spune ca nu voi simti vreodata nevoia sa incerc un alt demachiant, ci il voi recumpara pe acesta pentru totdeauna!!! <3
Este si destul de usor de folosit: puneti o pompa de produs pe varful degetelor si apoi masati intreaga fata cu aceasta crema, la final stergeti fata cu prosopelul inmuiat in apa calda. De cele mai multe ori o pompa intreaga ajunge, dar daca port mult machiaj la ochi prefer sa mai folosesc jumatate de pompita doar pentru zona aceea pentru a ma asigura ca indepartez totul cum trebuie. La sfarsit, prosopelul ramane super murdar si plin de machiajul pe care l-ati avut pe fata, ceea ce e bine :D inseamna ca intr-adevar curata. De obicei spal prosopelul o data la 3 folosiri cu detergent si intre ele cu sapun antibacterian, Protex. Desi la inceput pareau aspre, odata ce la pui in apa se transforma in cele mai moi chestii si se simt foarte placut pe piele, de asemenea si exfoliaza pielea in timp ce va stergeti, inlaturand celulele moarte.
Partea care m-a impresionat cel mai mult este ca pielea ramane incredibil de fina dupa aceea, senzatie pe care n-am mai simtit-o cu niciun alt demachiant pana acum, iar ochii de raton pe care ii aveam dimineata acum nu isi mai fac aparitia :D pam-pam. Ziceti voi ca nu e asta cel mai tare demachiant, ever! Chiar l-am pus pe lista mea de HOLY GRAIL. Il recomand din inima oricui nu si-a gasit inca demachiantul perfect :)
Now I am curious about their other skincare products too, since the cleanser was such a pleasant surprise :)
Also, here you can find an amazing limited offer which might make me place an order, even though I haven't finished mine yet :)
A 150ml pump with one muslin cloth for £18.50, the regular price is £13.75 for a 100ml pump and 2 muslin cloths. Have fun shopping and please tell me what you think of Liz Earle products, I know I'm in love!
Acum sunt curioasa si de celelalte produse ale lor din moment ce demachiantul a fost o surpriza asa placuta :)
Daca dati click pe imaginea de mai jos veti gasi o oferta tentanta, dar aveti grija ca este limitata! Ma bate si pe mine gandul sa fac o comanda, desi inca nu am terminat ce am primit :D
Pentru 18.50 lire primiti un flacon de 150ml cu pompa si un prosopel. Pretul normal este de 13.75 lire pentru un flacon de 100 ml si doua prosopele.
Spor la cumparaturi si spuneti-mi ce parere aveti despre produsele Liz Earle!