30 day challenge: Day 5

1. A picture of you.
2. A picture of you from a year or so ago.
3. Sum yourself up in about 100 words.
4. Tell us about your family life. 
5. Take some pictures of your bedroom.

Here you go:

Please excuse the mess, but this is how my mind is too at the moment so, since the challenge is to let you guys get to know me, I thought I'd leave it this way :)

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10 pretty comments

  1. Love the post..and of course your blog too...very nice. I'm happy to find such a blog.

  2. What a lovely bedroom! :)

  3. Ce camera superba ai! E atat de spatioasa! Si ai masa pt machiaj. Te invidiez!:D

  4. @Rakhshanda

    Wow, thank you so much :) I'm very happy you like it, you're welcome back anytime! ^_^

  5. Stau cu limba scoasa,ah :X
    Nu vrei sa facem schimb? :))) macar pt o saptamana.
    Esti ordonata in general sau asa s-a nimerit sa fie toate aranjate :D

  6. @Dragonfly Accessories

    :)) Un schimb de o saptamana nu m-ar deranja, chiar imi place sa explorez si alte camere ;))
    Culmea, nu sunt ordonata :))) nu stiu ce e cu pozele, dar nu arata chiar cat de dezordonata sunt eu. Pe birou si pe masuta de machiaj era razboi, pacat ca nu se vede prea bine :D

  7. this room looks so big, arranged, clean and holy, it makes me feel tiny under all these aspects!
