- A picture of you.
- A picture of you from a year or so ago.
- Sum yourself up in about 100 words.
- Tell us about your family life.
- Take some pictures of your bedroom.
- Go to your dash, look at the last person to post something & write something about them.
- Tell us about an embarrassing moment.
Asta e una grea, si nu pentru ca nu am patit niciodata ceva rusinos( dimpotriva, sunt maestra in asa ceva :D ), ci pentru ca tind sa uit momentele de genul.
In afara de vesnicele impiedicari, cazaturi si trante pe care le-am luat s-a mai intamplat ceva care a fost extrem de rusinos la momentul respectiv, insa acum eu si colegele mele tare ne amuzam cand ne aducem aminte.
Acum vreo 2 ani, eram intr-o excursie cu profa de latina si stateam in camera cu 3 colege, Noaptea, pe la 1, ne plictiseam si am inceput sa inventam cum ar face fiecare profesoara cand atinge "apogeul fericirii ei in pat" :)) inclusiv profa care era cu noi in excursie. Fiind de latina am inceput toate sa strigam care mai de care "Cicero!!!" "Caesar, imparatul meu!", numele sotului ei(care o insoteste in toate excursiile, apropo) si alte prostii penibile :)) A doua zi dimineata iesim noi pe balcon la aer cand deodata ne trezim cu profa in balconul de langa noi si ne intreaba cu zambetul pe buze:
- V-ati distrat azi-noapte, fetelor? :))
Va imaginati reactia noastra...
This is a short embarassing moment, which I find funny now that time has passed ^_*
1 or 2 years ago I went on a short trip with my Latin teacher (it's a she, btw). Me and my 3 room-mates got bored at around 1 o'clock at night so we started to make up sounds that our female teachers would do in bed. When our Latin teacher's turn came, we started moaning 'Cicero!', 'Caesar!', her husband's name (which btw always comes on her trips) and other embarrassing things. Next morning, while we were on the balcony, we see her next to us smiling and saying:
- Did you have a good time last night, girls?
Imagine our faces... priceless :))
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2 pretty comments
superb =)))))
RăspundețiȘtergere@Special K
RăspundețiȘtergere:D :))