30 day challenge: Day 6

  1. A picture of you.
  2. A picture of you from a year or so ago.
  3. Sum yourself up in about 100 words.
  4. Tell us about your family life.
  5. Take some pictures of your bedroom.
  6. Go to your dash, look at the last person to post something & write something about them.
 Since the challenge was initially made for tumblr users, this doesn't exactly fit with the blog. Instead I am going to say something about the last person who left a comment.
Anda Zelenca has amazing make-up skills and she comes up with extraordinary looks. You can also find lots of useful reviews and tutorials on her blog. Unfortunately for my foreign readers, her posts are in Romanian only, but you can still look at her make-up photos ^_^

Ta-ta for now!!

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6 pretty comments

  1. uh:(..eu am ramas in urma cu zilele:D...
    sper sa am timp sa postez pentru fiecare zi ...
    by the way..imi place mult camera ta:X..arata ca o camera de printesa..:X

  2. Multumesc din suflet ca ai scris despre mine. :)
    Am traducere sus, ajuta cat de cat. :*

  3. @Anda Zelenca

    Da, acum am observat si eu :D
    Chiar ma bucur ca tu ai fost ultima care ai comentat pe blog cand am facut challenge-ul, mi-a facut placere sa scriu despre tine :) :*

  4. @bondarica

    Eh nu e o limita de timp oricum :D Poti sa reiei oricand am timp, eu ma grabesc asa cu el ca vreau sa il termin pana vine anul nou ;))

    Mersi muuult, ma bucur ca iti place camera mea :">
